Spring Roo with MySQL
- create project weddingMySQL
- persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --database MYSQL --databaseName guestdb --userName root --password secret
- change <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create"/> to <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="update"/> in /src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml
- entity --class ~.domain.Rsvp
- field string code --notNull --sizeMin 1 --sizeMax 30
- field string email --sizeMax 30
- field number attending --type java.lang.Integer
- field string specialRequests --sizeMax 100
- field date confirmed --type java.util.Date
- entity --class ~.domain.MyTable --identifierField cid --identifierColumn CID --table testtable (could not use domain.testXXX)
- field string company --sizeMax 40
- controller scaffold ~.web.RsvpController
- controller scaffold ~.web.MyTableController
- add wedding2 project into server, and start server
- http://localhost:8080/weddingMySQL