Microsoft DOS Command

dir /?
or any command + /?
cd /d J:/test: this will change Drive too, could not do it by cd J:/test
using del or erase to delete a folder, it will only delete the files under this folder, but the folder will remain. To delete folder, you need rmdir.
use rmdir /s or rd/s will delete the whole dir (including sub)

To create a file from CMD, echo "test" > test.txt
To display a file: type test.txt
CTRL + Break: stop execution
ren: rename
move:move file
pushd .
cd /
---this will help you remember where you were.

even better
pushd /

Pushd: Stores the name of the current directory for use by the popd command before changing the current directory to the specified directory.
pushd + <the path you want to go>

Popd: change back to dir that Pushd stores.

type help, will display all dos commands.