- Be Noted: all the tables in the given schema, their primary key need to be auto_increment.
- create project weddingMySQLRE
- persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --database MYSQL --databaseName guestdb --userName root --password secret
- change <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create"/> to <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="update"/> in /src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml
- database introspect --schema guestdb
- Located add-on that may offer this JDBC driver
- 1 found, sorted by rank; T = trusted developer; R = Roo 1.1 compatible
- addon install id --searchResultId 01
- database introspect --schema guestdb
- database reverse engineer --schema guestdb --package ~.domain
- controller all --package ~.web
- add weddingMySQLRE project into server, and start server
- http://localhost:8080/weddingMySQLRE
Thoughts: It's a little bit difficult to do DBRE on oracle, that's because Spring Roo does not provide OSGi drivers for Oracle and DB2. So we have to either obtain an OSGi-enabled driver or wrap the
driver using Roo's wrapping facility. See the following links to see how to do it:
driver using Roo's wrapping facility. See the following links to see how to do it:
Based on this, I decide to use MySQL, which has Spring Roo's full support.
Based on this, I decide to use MySQL, which has Spring Roo's full support.