Library of serializing object to XML and deserializing object back from XML
1) Example of converting a list of object into a XML file:
public boolean XStream2XML(List importEntryList, String strOutXMLFilePath) { XStream xs = new XStream(); //by default, xstream will use class's full name //you could use alias to avoid that xs.alias("entryList", List.class); xs.alias("importentry", ImportEntry.class); xs.alias("attribute", Attribute.class); try { FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream(strOutXMLFilePath); xs.toXML(importEntryList, fs); //a simpler version //String xml = xs.toXML(importEntryList); fs.close(); } catch (Exception e1) { //e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; }2) Example of converting XML back to Java Object
String xml = "......"; Person newJoe = (Person)xstream.fromXML(xml);