Spring Roo and Spring Flex Addon

According to link, there are 2 combinations that are working so far.

a. Spring-flex-1.5.0.M1 release (org.springframework.flex.roo.addon-1.0.0.M1.jar) is only compatible with spring-roo-1.1.0.M1 and STS 2.3.3.M1.
b. There is a patch (org.springframework.flex.roo.addon-1.0.0.BUILD-20110219.075648-225.jar), which will work with Spring-roo-1.1.1.Release.

Spring-flex-1.5.0.M1 release is the only release so far which contains Spring Flex Addon.
The good thing is the latest STS (Version: 2.6.0.RELEASE) is compatible with Spring-roo-1.1.1.Release, this will give us all the three featrues:
a. the most updated STS
b. Spring Roo
c. Flex Addon for Spring Roo

Be noted, if you want to option b, which probably most of us will do, you need manually add the following lines to pom.xml
Introducint Flex Addon for Spring Roo
Flex Spring Forum
STS with Flash Builder Plugin
Getting Started With Spring Roo