Configure -> Preferences -> Editor
Check "Use POSIX regular expression syntax"
search c.+b
all the following will be found:
Search .+=
means anything until=
Special character which needs escaping \
+ ? . * ^ () [] {} | \
. is wildcard
example: [0-9] [a-z]
[^0-9] means non digits
^PATTERN: find pattern at start of line
PATTERN$: find pattern at end of line
for example, search ^todo find line 1, search todo$ find line2.
line 1: todo things
line 2: we will do it. todo
for example,
search c.*b, find 1,2, and 3.
search c.+b, find 2 and 3.
search c.?b, find 1 and 2.
search c.\{3\}b, find 3
search cx\{3\}b, find 3 too
1 cb
2 cab
3 cxxxb
+ 1 or more times
? 0 or 1 time; item is optional
* 0 or more times; item is optional or repeatable
{N} N times
{N,} N or more times
{N,M} N to M times