VPN to my PC


last 4 digits + xxxxx

Yahoo Email Plus in Outlook

I tried to setup Yahoo Email into outlook 2007, easy, right?
Here is the link for the detail

But then I realized that I also want to sync my Yahoo folders (other than inbox) too, and I am stuck. That's the point I realize the different between pop3 and imap4. And Yahoo only provides pop service, that's why I could not get my Yahoo folders. But I know I could get all my Yahoo folders in my HTC EVO, then I go ahead to check the settings, I realized that in my HTC EVO, the setting are the followings:
IMAP Server: android.imap.mail.yahoo.com
Security Type: SSL
Server port: 993

I also know Dovetail Email could also download folders, wondering what the setup?

Window 7 Dock Applications


Activate Window 7

Windows 7

  1. Click Start
    Start button
  2. Right-click Computer.
  3. Select Properties.
  4. At the bottom of this window, click Activate Windows now.
Note To activate your product directly by telephone, type slui.exe 4 in the Search programs and files and then press Enter. Select your location in the drop-down list for a toll free activation telephone number to call. This method is for Windows 7 only.

Windows 7/Vista Dock

Just so I got the name right.

Well, well, it's actually Dell Dock....


String strTranAmount="000000000000000000";
strTranAmount = StringUtils.stripStart(strTranAmount, "0"); //the result is empty

String strOrigAmount="000000000001000,00";
strOrigAmount = StringUtils.stripStart(strOrigAmount, "0"); //result 1000,00


Java Standard Object Notion

It's a format, like XML.

go to http://json.org find all the information.
All the libraries for different languages.

json2.js is JSON parser library for JavaScript.
eval('(' + "blabla" + ')');

JSON is safer and faster.

Tell me again why we want to use JSON.parse() instead of eval()?

Understand JSON.parse() eventually will use eval(), but before that, it will do some checking for you, so it's safer.

Here is a link for details.


Adobe supports HTML5 in products such as the Dreamweaver Web design software, with backing for HTML5 tags and cascading style sheets (CSS) code-hinting. Adobe's Project Edge serves as a tool for HTML5 animations. And the company's Jangaroo project is about converting Flash to HTML5.

JavaScript Function

prompt("What is your name?", "Enter your name here")
parseInt("12") //you could parseInt("1.2") == 1 and you could parseInt("3 dozen")
NaN: parseFloat("$3.4") = NaN //should not include $
isNaN(xxx): check if a value is not a number
xxx.toFixed(2): round the value to 2 decimal places.
setTimeOut("alert('wake up!');", 60000);
setInterval("alert('wake up!');", 60000); //repeated
In JavaScript, array could contains different type of data, that's different from Java
var showTime = new Array();

Disable Adobe Updater

1. go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Updater6
or something similar.
2. Click Adobe_Updater.exe, Click Preference, uncheck "Automatically check for Adobe Updates"


XSL == Extensible Stylesheet Language, Style sheets for XML
XSLT == XSL Transformation

CSS: Style Sheets for HTML

XSL consists of 3 parts:

Android Development

1. Download SDK here
2. Extract it into C:\development, put C:\development\android-sdk-windows into PATH.
3. Install ADT plugin for Eclipse (https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse)
4. C:\development\android-sdk-windows\SDK Manager.exe, Choose package to install. For me, 2.2.

Create symlinks in windows vista

mklink /D \europe57\wls\dbeurope\autodeploy \europe57\wls\dbeurope\applications


I got this avery add-in for Word (in my google docs), it's great to print label.

After installation, you'll find "Avery" at the top of menus (after add-ins). Click it, it will show icon for "Avery Wizard", it will show you

For my printer, I put the label paper at where I put photo paper, it's working great!

epub to kindle


This is a fantastic software to transfer epub file to Kindle format. Just great!

It's not just epub file, also pdf and many others.

Android Phone -- HTC EVO 4G

  1. Advanced Task Killer - Close unwanted apps that maybe running in the background.
  2. Aldiko - eBook reader. Comes with a bunch of free books.
  3. Astrid Tasks - Best task list manager I have found so far. Has options for tasks list and reminders.
  4. ASTRO - Best file manager for the phone and SD card.
  5. AudioManager - Has a widget to control all the audio options for the phone in one place. Must have app if you put your phone on silence / vibrate only / custom audio profile for alerts and notifications.
  6. Foursquare - App to publish your location information based on nearby establishments. Pushes the same info to Facebook and Twitter.
  7. Google Sky Map - Shows off a real-time view of the stars based on where you point the phone. Best app to show off to your friends with the "WOW" factor.
  8. Meebo IM - All in one mobile instant messenger with AIM, Yahoo, MSN, GTalk. But uses a lot of battery if used continuously.
  9. Mint - All in one money manager to track expenses etc.
  10. Network - I use it to turn off the GSM radio and use CDMA only. This trick has improved my battery life.
  11. Photoshop.com Mobile - Have some fun with the pictures taken with the phone. Must have to show off to your iPhone fanboys.
  12. ShootMe - Phone screenshot grabber.
  13. Shopper - Google shopping app which has a built in barcode scanner. Runs a Google product search using pictures or barcode.
  14. Ustream - Live video broadcast phone to their website.
  15. XKCD Viewer - View XKCD cartoons and the hover over text.

EDIT - added more to the list based on suggestions:

  • Dolphin HD Browser - Added to the list since it is faster and more option packed than default browser.
  • Compass - Neat app to show off the built in capability.
  • ScoreMobile FC - Something to keep track of the World Cup 2010 going on right now.
  • World Newspapers
  • MITBBS by Chenio Software